If you have questions concerning C.E. Kiff’s fuel price plans, please use these helpful frequently asked questions to help you through. And don’t forget, we are happy to answer any additional questions for our customers in the Delhi, NY area, simply contact us!
Q. How do I sign up for a Fuel Price Plan?
A. To sign up, you need to fill out a Fuel Price Agreement Form and return it to C.E. Kiff promptly with payment. We accept check, cash, and credit card (we do not accept American Express).
Q. When is the latest that I can sign up for a fuel price plan?
A. Call For Pricing & Availability
Q. How long is my fuel price plan in effect?
A. Your fuel will be delivered to you at the plan price until your plan gallons are delivered in full or upon the expiration date of the fuel price plan.
Q. If I have a credit balance on my account after July, will I lose my money?
A. NO, YOU WILL NOT LOSE YOUR MONEY. Your credit balance will remain on your account for future fuel or service purchases.
Q. Will automatic fuel delivery stop when my fuel price plan gallons are used up?
A. No, automatic fuel delivery will continue unless you instruct C.E. Kiff, in writing, to suspend deliveries.
Q. If I use all of my fuel price plan gallons, what will the additional gallons price be?
A. After your fuel price plan gallons are used up, any additional gallons will be priced to you at the current market price on the day of delivery.
Q. How many gallons of fuel should I sign up for?
A. It is a good idea to sign up for at least as many gallons as you used the year before. You may want to increase that amount by 10% to cover a late spring delivery when the prices are usually the highest. In many cases, customers run out of their fuel price plans gallons at this time of year.
Q. Why do the cap Price Plans charge an additional cap fee?
A. The cap fee is a type of insurance premium that you pay so that you are not locked into a price. So, if the market price drops, your price per gallon will too. It also sets a cap (maximum) price that you will not pay over if the market price should rise. Standard Fixed Price Plans do not have this added feature and, therefore, do not have the additional fees or the ability to float with the market prices.
Q. To buy my fuel from C.E. Kiff, do I have to sign up for a fuel price plan?
A. No, you do not have to sign up for a fuel price plan to buy your fuel from us. We deliver fuel year-round to customers at that day’s market price. We offer fuel price plans as an option so that you can know the price that you will pay in order to heat your home for the coming winter.
Please contact our office if you have additional questions or concerns.
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